How to Get More Customers From Your Website in 2024

If you have a website for your small business, you’re already ahead of the 46% of US businesses that don’t.

However, it’s not as simple as creating a website and then sitting back and waiting for the sales to roll in. Much like running a successful business, it takes a lot of know-how to run a successful website. The sad reality is that 91% of online content receives no traffic from Google!

Have you been wondering how to get more customers and sales from your website? Have you been researching topics like SEO and social media management, but you’re not sure where to start?

We’re here to help. Keep reading for some expert tips you can use to increase website sales today.

Start With General Website SEO

We won’t lie — there’s a lot to learn about search engine optimization (SEO). Put simply, the goal is to boost your website’s visibility and rankings in search results. 

Why is this so important? Without a solid SEO strategy, your website will simply get lost amongst the 1.86 billion other websites out there. Meanwhile, your competitors who are prioritizing SEO will attract more customers while you sit on the sidelines.

So then, what does SEO involve? Here are some of the main factors to consider:

  • Crawl accessibility (this means search engines can find and index your website)
  • Well-written, compelling content and high-quality images
  • Proper keyword usage on every page and blog post
  • Fast loading speed and easy navigation
  • Responsive design for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets)

You may be able to tackle a few of these tasks yourself, but you’ll get the best results from professional SEO services. An SEO expert can optimize your site so you’ll rank higher in search results. If you’ve been wondering how to get more customers from your website, this is an essential place to start.

Focus on Local SEO

General website SEO is one thing; local SEO is another. For brick-and-mortar businesses or companies that cater to a specific city or region, local SEO needs to be a priority.

As an example, let’s say you own a car repair shop in Seattle, Washington. Your website gets 10 hits per day. If nine of those hits are coming from the Midwest or the East Coast, it’s not going to help you grow your business.

Local SEO means your website will appear to people searching for a business in the immediate area. If they Google a phrase like “car repair shop near me” or “best mechanic in Seattle,” local SEO ensures your website will show up in the results.

Again, an SEO expert can help to optimize your website for local SEO, as well as other places where your business appears online. This might include getting listed in local directories like Yelp and the Better Business Bureau (BBB). You’ll also want to make sure that your business name, address, and phone number are correct and consistent everywhere they appear.

Keep in mind that 78% of local mobile searches lead to an offline purchase. For this reason, local SEO is another vital step to take if you’re serious about growing your business.

Stay Active on Social Media

Customers can’t buy from you if they don’t know who or where you are. Website SEO is a great start, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle.

Seven in 10 Americans regularly use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. That equals over 200 million people a day browsing these channels to connect and share information. To stay competitive, you need to establish a business presence on these platforms.

Focus on one or two channels at first (Facebook and Instagram are good places to start). Set up a business profile, upload your logo and photos, and describe your products or services. Be sure to include a link to your website so users can visit with one simple click.

Next, think about your social media marketing strategy. What will you share on your channel that’s interesting, engaging, and valuable to your audience?

This could include how-to videos, recent blog posts, or the latest news in your industry. You could discuss local events happening in the neighborhood. Social media is also the ideal place to highlight any special offers, seasonal promotions, or new product launches.

Create a Stellar Customer Experience

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to attract new customers and increase website sales. However, running a successful business (online and offline) involves more than chasing the next sale.

These days, the biggest emphasis should be on creating a good customer experience. You want to create a smooth, pleasurable experience from the moment someone lands on your website until after they make a purchase. Customers should be able to navigate your site with ease and understand exactly what your brand is all about.

How much does this positive user experience (UX) matter? Experts estimate that a positive UX can increase your conversion rate by up to 400%. A satisfied customer is also 14% more willing to pay and 16% more likely to recommend a product to a friend.

So then, what can you do to ensure your visitors have a great experience? High-quality, responsive web design is the foundation. This includes an eye-catching home page and a menu that’s simple to navigate.

Think about specific actions you want your visitors to take. Make it easy for them by including a specific call-to-action (CTA) on every page. This could be a button that says “Shop Now” or a pop-up that encourages them to sign up for your newsletter.

How to Get More Customers: Website SEO

If you’ve been wondering how to get to more customers and increase website sales, try not to get discouraged. It’s a big learning curve to get familiar with website SEO and social media management.

The good news is you don’t have to go it alone. No matter the size or scope of your business, partnering with an SEO marketing company is a sure way to improve brand recognition and sales.

Worry-Free Web Design + SEO has the tools you need to grow your online presence and attract more customers to your business. Click here to get in touch and learn more about our professional SEO services for small businesses.

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