Frequently Asked Questions

We at Worry Free Web Design and SEO have put together a list of our most frequently asked questions.

Hopefully this page can help answer many of your questions.


I have never had a website before, how does it work?

No worries, we can help if you have any questions feel free to contact us.

How much does a website cost?

The cost of a website can vary depending on many factors, kind of like the cost of building a house may vary. Our sites typically start around $1500.00 and go upward from there based on your needs.

How long does it take to design and build a website?

The amount of time it takes to build a website can vary greatly. A basic informational website takes about 4 weeks. The more complex the site the longer it will take.

Do I need my own domain name and web hosting?

No, we can assist you in finding a great hosting company to work with if you do not have one or need assistance in finding the right option for you.

Will my website work on mobile devices?

Yes it will. All the websites we design work on all devices. We test your website on mobile phones and tablets.

Do you do eCommerce/Online Store websites?

We sure do!

What is a Content Management System?

A content management system is a tool that helps allow you to maintain your site without having technical skills. This allows most anyone to be able to add images, content, and about anything else you need to your site without having to be a web designer.

Do you provide training?

Yes we provide all of our customers with training on how to use their website.

Can you help me with Social Media and Email Marketing?

Yes we can. As part of your website project, we can set up social media and email marketing services.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization is about getting your site seen in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The higher your site is listed, the more visitors you will have and customers you will get.

There are many technical aspects to SEO, but the most important is the copy(written content) on your website. Your content should focus on well written relevant content that is keyword rich.

Do you write the content for my site?

We can help write your content, however that is a paid service.

Can you design my logo?

We do not do logo design. If you are in need of a new logo, we can help find you a qualified logo design expert.

What is a domain name?

A domain name is your address on the internet. Typically this would be something like

What is web hosting?

Web hosting is what allows your site to be viewed online. This is usually hosted in a data center by a hosting company and runs your website and email. We are happy to help you find a great hosting company for your needs.