Divi Quick Tip – Disappearing images

Divi Quick Tip – Disappearing images

Today while I was working on optimizing a couple of my websites. I noticed that one of them was missing images in random areas. I have seen this before with caching issues but, this time they did not reappear after clearing the browser cache and the see the CDN cache.

So, another thing that I’ve tried in the past that has worked. Was to go in and choose the image for that module again. So today I tried that in the visual editor and in the normal editor. These images still would not show up when you look at the webpage. They would show up when you are editing the webpage. You could see them when you did an inspect of the website in Google Chrome.

So, after spending around 90 minutes testing and clearing cache and retesting. I finally came across the answer. I deleted the image module and added a new one in with the same image. This worked first time around for every image.

I can only assume that this happened because of an update, that might have corrupted a setting in that module. So, I wanted to share this post and hopefully help somebody else not spend as much time on it as I did.

UPDATE: So during testing, I have found this to be a issue.
I found using Cloudflare CDN mimify CSS was causing similar issues on another website. Turn that off and everything worked. I did go back after making all my changes and turned it on again and worked.

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