EtCee Fraser

Overview of Request came to us from Thumbtack. This up and coming author needed a website to promote their new book.

  • Build a fast and friendly site that is mobile
  • Have pages to dispage excerpt of book
  • Create email list

Our Solution

  1. Built a new site on a Premium WordPress Theme.
  2. Created a responsive site that is mobile freindly.
  3. Created pages with expandable excerpt sections.
  4. Created personalized training videos for her.
  5. Created a successful email optin form on landing page.


The original request was to build a site that was pretty, fast, and help promote EtCee Fraser’s work. This site is hosted by Worry Free Web Design and SEO. Included features for this site are: email optin, Social Media integration, and share counters. As a new site owner, video documentation was created to help EtCee to manage her site content.