A.C.E Companies

Overview of Request

A.C.E. Companies was a 5 page site that needed updated regularly. Their average update time by former provider averaged weeks.

  • Needed to migrate off a high monthly cost web builder site.
  • Able to update site in a timely manner
  • Create forms to allow customers to submit information
  • Increase organic seach from 2-5 per month.

Our Solution

  1. Built a new site on a Premium WordPress Theme.
  2. Created a responsive site that is mobile freindly.
  3. Optimized Images to correct size and quality for website. Configured hosting and CDN to help speed up the load speed.
  4. Added proper keywords on page to help get her site seen.
  5. Created submit forms for customers.


After just a couple months, A.C.E. Companies has increase their organic search results by 1100%, all while reducing overall cost and averaging under 2 days for any update requests. Using several different forms, customers can now submit their information online. This frees up employees to do other tasks in the office.